Agile, Secure & Responsive IT Environments

Let Flagship Help You Navigate Supply Chain Issues 

Supply chain issues with technology acquisition are likely to be with us through 2022. Long-term issues, such as the poor infrastructure in the U.S. trucking industry and global shipping, have been compounded by short-term issues, such as demand spiking, panic buying during the pandemic, and shortages in labor and raw material. The coronavirus pandemic accelerated trends and issues that have been unfolding for decades. 

Our partners are working hard to address these issues, but we still run into long lead-times for orders when equipment is supposed to be available.  

At Flagship, we are committed to helping you navigate these challenges. We have long-standing relationships with many vendors, across categories of product, which can provide you with the flexibility needed to address your business IT challenges.  

Work with your Flagship account manager to help avoid and mitigate supply chain issues, including: 

  • Create short- and long-term acquisition plans, so that we can provide you with vendor options and back-up plans, if necessary.  
  • Determine your highest value investments that enable your business to work securely and productively.  
  • Update software and employ our services, where appropriate, to forestall future hardware investments.  

Shortages are not new, and they never come at a good time. Flagship’s value-add is to help ensure that your business is not impacted.  

For help with IT procurement and managed IT, fill in the form below to talk to a Flagship representative.

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